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Welcome to the Margulies Cousins Web-Painter.

This simple looking but powerful flash tool is a demonstration of the possibilities web based applications have and will increasingly provide in the near future. Whilst this tool does not allow for complex graphic art to be created at its current stage, its features could be expanded nearly without limits. Increasingly, applications such as the Web-Painter© will be integrated into sites in the wake of the so-called transition from traditional websites to interactive sites (Web 2.0) - building a relationship with the user.

Enjoy surfing the art gallery created by our site visitors and please feel welcome to contribute your own 'masterpiece' to our site.

1.Select the "back" button to begin with a new painting.

2.Chose a color you whish to use.

3.If you want to start from scratch select "clear".

4.If you want to go back step by step, select "delete".

5.When you finish your painting, select "save" and enter your name and a title for your artwork.

6. Your painting has been saved and will appear when you return to the gallery.
19-05-2024 Permanent Link Disclaimer